Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A lazy day in Lauterbrunnen

We had a nice quiet day today.  This gave us a chance to check out the little shops in Lauterbrunnen, walk to the waterfall and do some carving with the new swiss army knives!

rainy day in Lauterbrunnen - still awesome :)

Blake is obsessed with Swiss Army Knives now - he wants another one already

Even their cemeteries are amazing - each plot has it's own garden
count how many snails you can find... there are even baby ones
hiked up to Staubach falls

behind the falls

behind the falls

behind the falls still

carving a microphone and a knife

check out the technique Christian is teaching them

the beer is very good here


  1. Armadillowhipcream (Ami)August 13, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    Cool! sometimes a quiet around-the-town day is what you need Eh? Oh and I forgot to ask Jaida and Blake what attatchments do your guys's army knifes have? they look pretty awesome :)


    1. Armadillowhipcream (Ami)August 13, 2014 at 2:36 PM

      I know Blake! army knives are awesome it's hard not to wna't another one :)
